Wednesday, 15 June 2011

What is Personal Style?

‘We have all seen her and gawked in admiration – and not with a little envy.

She needn’t be beautiful, nor dressed in anything we couldn’t imagine for ourselves but her clothes are a brilliant orchestration of colour and texture, fabric and fit, sensibility and style. She wears them like a bagde-they don’t wear her’

‘Her style is constant, every time you see her, her style is unmistakably her own.

Her personal style is her personal uniform’                                                          ( Johnson Gross et al, 1995 )

When you are thinking about Style, consider this;

·         Style is not about clothes alone

·         Fashion can be bought-style can not

·         We are not always born with a sense of style –but it can be learned

·         Style is consistent – but not boring

What is your style?

The most important principle, in my mind, is to dress yourself according to your personality and lifestyle. This will make your life so much easier.  There is no point is dressing in a business style dress if you are a stay at home mum and vice versa.

When dressing a body bear these points in mind.....dressing yourself is like wrapping a gift and depending on the shape and size of the parcel we dress it to suit an individual’s requirement;

·         Colour

·         Texture

·         Pattern

·         Accessories

Would you choose to flatter, disguise and personalise your gift, the same principles apply to wrapping the body.

Outer and Inner lines

Everyone has an outer line to his or her face and body. We are born with this shape. This basic shape does not change whether you are a size 8 or 28.

We must, therefore, wrap our body in clothes, hairstyles, accessories and glasses to suit and mimic our outer shape.

For more information on individual consultations please contact;

Lisa Talbot

07887 802700

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